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Even with the evolution of a borderless global economy,
many companies today still assume that what works well in their home market will work well in other markets. If only this were the case. In each new country there are a variety of factors that will affect the customer¡¯s perception of your product and ultimately his or her decision to purchase. Failure to properly identify and address these barriers can place your entire global product plan in jeopardy. Successful global companies have come to rely on L10N Technology (LT) to adapt their products and supporting documentation to meet the increasingly diverse expectations and requirements of their global customer base. Our work begins with a thorough analysis of your products and target markets, including functional testing to establish baseline performance metrics. Using this information, we then create a custom solution that leverages our core capabilities in such areas as LT has more than 2,000 professionals in 24 countries supplemented by 10,000 qualified linguists. This extensive network of language professionals connected via our proprietary technology, including the translation portal Elcano¢â, makes us the partner of choice for all your multilingual needs. |