Position Papers
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From cutting edge production methods and technology to innovative views on working relationships,
L10N Technology has collaborated with clients to help shape some of the world's leading localization
practices. Our thoughts on these topics appear in the attached position papers.
We hope they spark new dialogues that lead to even greater advances in the industry.

Simultaneous Shipment: Making the Leap from Theory to Practice

Until recently, software companies were often able to coast on the strength of their ¡°blockbuster¡± products.
Being the first to market with an innovative solution secured strong share and a loyal client base
who would wait patiently for each new release, and willingly pay the maintenance and upgrade fees
to gain access to the new features. This is no longer true, however, and companies increasingly need
to plan carefully in order to ship simultaneously to many global markets. This white paper explores the factors
that tend to block simultaneous shipment and makes suggestions on how to overcome these blocks.

Life Sciences Labels, Packages, Documents: A Global View

This paper outlines various challenges in the areas of content creation, translation and production
for life sciences companies and offers a new perspective on ways they can be leveraged to drive measurable,
long-term savings.

Product Documentation: A Global View

This paper outlines various challenges in the areas of content creation, translation and production
and offers a new perspective on ways they can be leveraged to drive measurable, long-term savings.


This paper will give you and your product development team the knowledge and insight you need to address
internationalization or I18N issues including the appropriate budget, marketing strategies
and return-on-investment calculations.

Terminology Management

Whether it was created deliberately or developed organically, every industry, culture and organization
has a unique terminology that helps to ensure the efficient, accurate transfer of knowledge and information
among its members. There are, however, several factors impeding the exchange of terminology.
This paper takes a look at those factors and what can be done to overcome them.

Controlled English

This paper provides an overview of Controlled English (CE), examples of how adopting CE
can improve the overall impact of technical documents and a look at the value this generates for companies
operating in a variety of industries.

To Build or To Buy?

This paper outlines the differences between traditional, ad hoc approaches to localization support
versus the new, integrated support models offered by L10N Technology. Useful for senior managers
or anyone seeking to enhance the productivity and effectiveness of their localization production.

EiroTM Product Methodology

This paper outlines the core features of L10N Technology's Eiro Production Methodology,
providing an overview of the Eiro workflow and the tools and techniques we have developed
to ensure a seamless working relationship with our clients and consistent delivery
of the highest production quality.

Languages, Cultures and Content

This paper provides an overview of the various cultural drivers at work
in different parts of the world and describes how different kinds of products
and content are impacted by culture. It provides recommendations on making sure
that material is appropriate for other cultural markets and describes what kinds
of topics do not cross borders easily. It also gives detail on the processes, tools
and technology available to help companies achieve efficient global content.

Online Help Systems

This paper describes how increasingly complex applications require help systems
to serve the needs of all users, no matter what their capabilities,
not only efficiently but also in the user's language. It describes how well structured help
files can reduce companies' support costs and how properly written online help systems enable users
to find the information they need, which increases customer satisfaction.

Pharmaceuticals and Devices in the EU

On May 1, ten new countries joined the European Union, bringing the total community
to 25 nations. This momentous expansion, involving a population increase of 19%,
means additional market opportunities for pharmaceutical and medical device firms,
but reaching these new customers means communicating in more languages, through different channels,
and tailoring companies' message and approaches to the unique cultures and heritages of these countries
and regions. This paper explores these challenges and opportunities.