L10N Technology works with the world¡¯s leading companies, providing them
with globalization solutions that enable them to do business around the world.
Our case studies feature some of the solutions we have developed for companies
big and small across industries.

Delivers its print publishing applications (Illustrator v.9) to European markets

Increases productivity and gives customers faster access to information
with online technical documents

Secures first Japanese contract using internationalization and localization

Efficiency is what Enermet is all about - and efficiency is what sold Enermet
on L10N Technology
Major Mobile Phone Company

Mobile Phones Always on the Move L10N Technology Answers Call for 31 Languages
Meridea Financial Software

Meridea Financial Software Ltd. values partnership with L10N Technology
for quality documentation and flexible service
Microsoft Visual Studio.NET

Launches eight international versions of Visual Studio.NET,
providing a fully localized programming suite
Novell GroupWise 6

Releases GroupWise 6 Starter Pack 1 simultaneously in 21 languages
using localization, testing and engineering
Sybase Adaptive Server¢ç Enterprise

Learn how a leading software company came to trust L10N Technology
as "more of a partner than a provider.
Ulster Bank

Gains confidence that online banking software functions correctly
after completing testing